We’ve Got A Venue For Our Bryan Stow Fundraiser!

It’s been a long time coming, but our growing community of Bryan Stow supporters is ready to hold our first fundraiser. The Public House, located at the corner of Oracle Park, has graciously consented to hold our initial event. Although we cannot hold our event on a game day, we will still be able to hold a meaningful event at a well-known venue that is served by public transit on a day when the Giants are in town but not playing. This last point holds some interesting possibilities which we will hold in abeyance… for now. We don’t want to make any promises we can’t keep or make a reach that is beyond our grasp. Everything we do will be done honestly, openly and respectfully, with the approval of the Stows, who have veto power over anything we propose. Most importantly, every thing we have on hand has been donated, so all funds raised go to the Bryan Stow Foundation to help support Bryan’s anti-bullying activities.

In dollar and cents terms, we will use the approach taken by PBS during its fundraisers regarding contributions. A broad variety of Giants baseball cards, swag, stadium cups, pins and other memorabilia will be given to contributors as a thank you gift for their support. The type of gift will be linked to the level of donation. As it stands now, our event will include six elements:

1. Bryan will be there, so fans can talk to him, pose for photographs and etc.

2. Baseball Cards. We have about 50,000 San Francisco Giants baseball cards on hand, and have put together hundreds of packets, each containing twenty-five cards of the best Giants players from the decades of the 1980’s, 1990’s, 2000’s and 2010’s. We have taken great pains to include only those cards that are in excellent condition. Here are some of our packets, and below that, some of our cards from the 1990’s:

3. Buddy, not bully. We will place a large number of bottle caps in a wheelbarrow, large fish tank or trunk, and each attendee gets to guess the number of bottle caps. Why bottle caps? Well, many recyclers will take hundreds of pounds of them and turn them into Buddy Benches. In an elementary school setting, if a child is feeling left out or needs someone to talk to or play with, she or he can go sit on the Buddy Bench as a signal to the other children. In turn, someone will invite them to join in their games or activities. Buddy Benches foster inclusion, which is a great way to defeat bullying. The person who guesses the right number of bottle caps or who comes the closest will receive an autographed item courtesy of the San Francisco Giants.

4. Books. We have enlisted the aid of several Children’s Librarians who have compiled a list of excellent children’s books that deal with the topic of bullying, covering an age range from preschool to teenager. These are books that parents can read and discuss with their children. This list will be available to all attendees.

5. Wrist Bands. We will have a limited number of wrist bands capturing Bryan’s anti-bullying sayings, in orange print on black, as well as black print on orange, of course.

6. Prize Wheels. We will have several prize wheels that may come in useful as a way to thank those attendees making small donations.

In addition to our subscribers, this blog post is also going to a small group of people who have provided inspiration for, assisted with or expressed interest in this event. If you know anyone who might want to join us or help by donating Giants items, all are welcome. You can give them my email, grubbyglove@gmail.com, forward this blog post, leave a comment here or a message can be sent to the Grubby Glove – All Things Baseball Facebook page.

As I publish this post, we are in the grips of the coronavirus pandemic. It will end one day. For now, I hope some of you are ready for our next card-sorting and packet-building session. I know we can conduct this activity in a safe, responsible manner, so stay tuned. In a world filled with uncertainty I am certain that this Fundraiser for the Bryan Stow Foundation will happen.


10 Comments on "We’ve Got A Venue For Our Bryan Stow Fundraiser!"

  1. Nancy Medbery says:

    Wow, this sounds like it will be quite the exciting Day. Thanks for continuing to keep this event on the books and in our minds. The last few months have certainly been a difficult and thought provoking time for us all. A positive effort will be a balm and will help to move forward.

  2. Miriam Reiter says:

    This writing and event description is a home run!

  3. Jeff Ugot says:

    Thank you for sharing what’s in store for the upcoming Bryan Stow foundation event. You’ve done an amazing job in preparing, sorting and organizing tons of baseball cards for card collectors to feast on. I’ve never seen anything like it. Your dedication, passion and hard work is much appreciated.

  4. John Giron says:

    Michael, the work you have done behind the scenes by spending many hours accumulating all of these baseball cards for the Bryan Stow Foundation is very commendable. I wish you success on this endeavor, and I’m sure this sentiment is shared by many.

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