Nasty = Stick With It

With the Mets in the city to play a four-game set with the Giants, earlier this afternoon I went to AT+T Park to hand out fliers for the “Mets Fans in Support of Bryan Stow” Facebook page. I was at the Willie for at least 90 minutes and would have stayed longer if not for my right knee swelling up. It was fun to wear my orange and blue colors, give Mets fans high fives and tell them about the group. I gave out dozens of fliers to Mets and Giants fans, and all heartily approved. To a man and woman everyone agreed that Bryan Stow’s cause is one that supersedes team affiliation. 

As I was leaving the ballpark area to go catch the streetcar back to my neighborhood, a man decked out in Giants regalia walking right by me directed a string of profanities my way. I kept on walking, but was within earshot and heard the invective. My initial response to these things is often one of anger, and I am working on getting past that. Thankfully, and perhaps because of the aforementioned work, I let remarks such as these go relatively quickly. In short order, I viewed this remark for what it really was, a reassurance that I am on the right track in promoting a worthy cause such as “Mets Fans in Support of Bryan Stow.”

I’ll return to hand out more fliers tomorrow.  



4 Comments on "Nasty = Stick With It"

  1. Bill Miller says:

    Hi Michael, I realize I shouldn’t be so naive, but it still surprises me when someone who is a “fan” of one team verbally assaults a fan of another team for no reason at all. How small and pointless their lives must be.
    You did a great deed, and are a better man for ignoring the a–hole.
    Your friend,

  2. Nancy Medbery says:

    The work you were doing was a kindness, good for you for all your efforts for Bryan
    Stow. Hope you enjoyed the game with the boys this evening. Keep up the good work

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