What’s Wrong With This Card – Hanley Ramirez

The good people at Topps have been issuing cards with errors in them for a very long time. Below is an example of their new spin on these conversation starters. Rather than make the mistakes themselves, they simply catch others doing so and present them to a curious public. Here at Grubby Glove, we appreciate their efforts and want to share some of them. Here’s one of the ten cards in this series, with more to follow. Can you identify what’s wrong with the card and explain the circumstances that caused the error in the first place?


In each installment of this ongoing series, I will present a baseball card for your review. If you study the card carefully you will find something about it that is not quite right. Once you’ve determined what it is, please explain it in a comment. I will identify the readers who correctly identified the incorrect aspect of the card in an upcoming post. Thank you, and have fun.


4 Comments on "What’s Wrong With This Card – Hanley Ramirez"

  1. jhonas giron says:

    He’s number 2 and he’s a shortstop, not an outfielder.

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