My Sister Nancy & Grubby Glove

The following post is loosely based on a recent conversation I had with my sister Nancy.

When did you get Grubby?
Uncle Al got me Grubby Glove when we were still at Seabury Road (Garden City, New York) in the early 1950’s. He got me a left-handed glove because I was left-handed. He didn’t know, as most of us didn’t know at that point, that even though I’m definitely left-handed when it comes to eating and writing, I did most of the other things right-handed. We all kind of kicked Grubby around because he was a left-handed glove that really didn’t do anything for anyone. But he meant well.

You mean Grubby meant well?
No, Michael, Uncle Al meant well.

So how did you come up with the name Grubby Glove?
I don’t know, but Grubby came with us when we moved from Seabury Road to 50 Chestnut Road (Port Washington, New York), where he rattled around in the garage during our years there (1956 to 1964).

Did you and I ever have a catch with a softball or baseball?
We must have. We occupied ourselves with all sorts of things.

OK, now I remember. I teased you about throwing like a girl, but I also recall that every time you threw the ball, it got to me.
Well, I guess so, you must have taught me something. I know you taught me how to throw a football.

I did?
Yeah, in the back yard at St. James Street.

But football?
Yeah, we did lots of stuff.

OK, Nan. I’m asking all of these questions because I’ve decided to start a blog which I’m going to call Grubby Glove.
That’s great. But Michael, why are you going to write a football blog when you love baseball?

Nan, it is going to be a baseball blog!
I know, Michael, I’m just joking.

All joking aside, Nan, this much is sure. This post is for you… and Grubby.


4 Comments on "My Sister Nancy & Grubby Glove"

  1. Jane says:

    Hummm… I have a request regarding future posts. I would like to see “Meet the Mets” incorporated somewhere into things… you know, singing THAT exact song at certain times.
    Speaking of the Mets, when we were little, I thought having a box seat meant sitting on the inside of one of those blue and orange squares that you could see from the outside of the stadium.
    Growing up, I learned statistical information about Mel Ott (first to surpass 500 HRs in the National League!) and Harmon Killebrew, among others, from you, of course. When HK died this May, I thought of you, as whenever I hear anything about BASEBALL, I think of you, Michael.
    With lots of love from your little sister, Jane (aka Utchie)

  2. kmarysmith says:

    I can’t imagine Nancy in any sports active context — although we did have fun watching the Flying Wallendas at a Giants game. That would be SF Giants. 😉

  3. Barry says:

    Dear Grubby;
    I love your suggestion, and Gary and I will mention it on our next podcast. Three errors in five plays, and by a star player like Castro warrants the award.
    We are also going to talk about the possibility of BelTRON being dealt to the Giants; therefore, if you’d like to weigh in on this and give us the perspective on it from the left coast, we would welcome it.
    Muchas gracias,
    Barry (from

  4. Phil Zaleskin says:

    Mike … congratulations on starting this blog. I greatly look forward to (trying to) keep up with it.

    And … great 1st post!

    Phil Z HHHHS 1969 (did I get the number of H’s right?)

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