The Annual Tristar Show Is Almost Here!

The biggest baseball card show of the year in the San Francisco Bay Area is on deck. Before I know it, I’ll be buying my tickets, entering the hall, checking out cards and in general enjoying the experience. Right now card dealers from across the nation are coming to San

Topps Takes A Swing At Alliteration, And So Do I

When I was a young collector, Topps issued cards that featured teammates with titles like Buc Blasters, Tiger Twirlers, Tribe Thumpers, Sox Sockers and the like. I remember hoarding them because they had a team’s best players on the same card. These cards, along with stars like Mays, Mantle, Killebrew

Baseball Card Pack Choices

I recently went to a local shopping center with the goal of buying one of each type of 2017 Topps packs that I could find. I was curious about the varying baseball card delivery systems that Topps has devised, what each one cost, what types of cards they contained and


Baseball Cards 103: Parallels

A parallel baseball card is the same as its base card counterpart in all ways but one, its border. Parallels are made in much smaller quantities than base cards and are more valuable, hence more expensive, to the collectors who seek them. The parallel cards that I’m most familiar with


Baseball Cards 102: Insert Cards

The first time I remember receiving an insert card in a baseball card wax pack was in 1965. That was the year I bought my first box of cards. I remember instantly disliking them and thinking they were the ugliest cards I ever saw. And they were, at least until


Baseball Cards 101: Topps

Topps is the General Motors of the baseball card business. Just like General Motors produces cars and trucks under a variety of brands, such as Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC and Buick, so too does Topps with its baseball cards. The number of brands that Topps issues is dizzying, and I frequently


Where’s Grubby Glove? Here I Am!

A short time ago one of my baseball cronies asked me where Grubby Glove had been hiding, and I must confess, he had a valid question. When I gave the question some thought, I realized I’ve been in plain sight, albeit in a related arena, all along. My off-season, baseball


Topps Issues Some Awesome Cards

We’ve been so busy with a variety of projects that we haven’t published a post in over a month! Where does the time go? In the time we’ve been gone, a great many things have unfolded in the world of baseball. One of them concerns baseball cards, one of our

A Week In Phoenix Is Yielding Results

My two older sisters live in the suburbs of Phoenix, which explains why its so easy for me to see as many Spring Training and Arizona Fall League Games as I do. The Phoenix area is ringed with superb baseball facilities and stadiums, and the sisters live near many of

The Lenny Green Card Is Almost Home

I’ve made some progress and now believe the 50th Anniversary, 1963 Topps Lenny Green card will be in his hands soon. When I last wrote about this project, I had just sent an email to the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) to see if a staff member there could
